About Schools
The City of Dharma Realm Instilling Goodness Elementary and Developing Virtue Secondary Schools are private, Buddhist schools. Our school is bilingual, English and Chinese. Located within the City of Dharma Realm monastery, students have the opportunity to learn Buddhism in an authentic monastic environment allowing them to experience, incorporate, and practice Buddhist principles. A unique curriculum including Buddhist studies, Virtue studies, and Chinese language and culture is the basis of our program. Incorporating both eastern and western culture, our school and curriculum is distinct from most schools in the US. We challenge our students to dedicate themselves to academic excellence, develop moral virtues, and foster spiritual growth. Students will be prepared for academic and professional success, as well as, becoming exemplary members of society who will contribute to making the world a better place.

Our Buddhist schools, in partnership with parents, work to instill and develop in our students the core virtues of kindness, filial piety, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, integrity and humility. We provide an environment for our students to achieve their full academic potential and become outstanding citizens who will contribute to making our world a better place.
Our schools are founded on the ideals set forth in the teachings of the Buddha. Accordingly, courses in Buddhist Studies are requisite for all students. Students of all faiths, however, are welcome. Students benefit from a blend of Eastern and Western values and practices that encourages:
Good personal character
A broad, multicultural/international perspective
Academic excellence