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What should the student bring with them to the local embassy for visa issuance approval?Generally, 1. Transcripts 2. TOEFL scores 3. Financial evidence showing the prospective student or sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition and living expenses during the period of intended study, such as original bank statements or income tax documents, etc.
How long does it take for I-20 to be issued?It takes approximately 2 weeks for the government to approve Form I-20 before we can mail it out to you.
Can the student travel out of the country during the course of his/her study?Yes, students may travel outside the country during the course of their study. Please make sure that the Visa and Passport are still valid at the time of traveling for re-entering into the US. Please make sure that the students have the appropriate documentation (Form I-20) with them in order to travel outside the US.
What is the climate in West Sacramento?Our winter and summer average temperatures and rainfall records.
What should the student bring with them if they wish to stay on campus?List of suggested items.
Are students allowed off campus during the school year?Yes, if student has activities off site, formal request to go off-campus must be submitted at least one week in advance (except in emergency situations) for review and approval.
Do students need health insurance?Yes, each student must have proof of health insurance for the duration of their studies at CDR IGDVS.
Can students bring food and keep them in their dormitory rooms?The students may bring food onto campus, but they must not keep the food in their dormitory rooms. They must keep them in the designated area in the kitchen.
What kinds of foods are not allowed on campus?Anything containing the five pungent spices of garlic, onion, chives, scallions, and shallot is not allowed on campus, nor are any alcohol or illicit drugs.
Is CDR IGDVS a quarter or semester system?Each academic year has two semesters with the Fall Semester generally ending before Christmas and the Spring Semester ending in early to mid June.
What activities does CDR IGDVS offer on campus?Students are encouraged and sometimes required to participate in extracurricular activities related to the temple, such as Honoring Elders Day, Cherishing Youth Day, Chinese New Year Celebration, Inter-faith Exchange Student Day, etc.
What other courses or classes do CDR IGDVS offer that are unique?Buddhism, Ethics, Meditation, Chinese, Chinese calligraphy and culture are among them. Students will also learn some basic daily practices of Buddhism at the temple, such as the daily Meal Offering Ceremony, as well as other Dharma Assemblies that take place throughout the year on the CDR campus.
Is uniform required?Yes, and it is available for purchase at the school office.
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