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The Students

At the City of Dharma Realm Instilling Goodness Elementary School & Developing Virtue Secondary School (CDR IGDVS), our students come from all cultures and backgrounds. We are committed to providing our students a supportive environment to learn and to excel. We challenge our students to achieve their full academic potential and become exemplary members of society, who contribute to making the world a better place.


A Graduate of our school is expected to possess the following qualities: 

  1. Manifest the core virtues of kindness, filial piety, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, integrity, and humility:

    • Cherishes life in all its forms, as a responsible steward of the environment and exercises frugality. 

    • Is a confident, well-rounded person who interacts harmoniously with others and takes responsibility for his or her own actions. 

    • Has developed the skills of a good citizen and explored within himself or herself the complementary qualities of leadership and teamwork through active service to others and volunteering.

  2. Has gained a deep appreciation of his or her own inherent spiritual wisdom through meditation and other spiritual practices and teachings:

    • ​Appreciates and understands the fundamental teachings in Buddhist philosophy and ethics,  which will inspire them to follow a life of integrity in accordance with his or her own philosophical or religious beliefs.

  3. Has explored and developed individual academic potential and talents in the humanities, sciences, or arts. 

    • Has developed an enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge. 

    • Is prepared for success in college. 

    • Has the ability to think critically and analytically. 

    • Has developed his or her individual creative potential in thinking, expression, and problem solving. 

  4. Expresses a multinational, global awareness and understanding; shows an appreciation and respect for a variety of cultures and religions.

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The City of Dharma Realm 
Instilling Goodness Elementary School 
Developing Virtue Secondary School 

1029 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691
916-604-9586 Phone | 916-246-9976 Fax
877-795-2319 Toll-Free

Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:20pm

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